Supporting the employment of current and prospective dual career faculty members and their partners is essential in UGA’s recruitment and retention of excellent employees.

If one member of a couple is a current or prospective faculty member at UGA, then their partner, whether in an academic or other profession:

  • Is eligible for job placement support from the Faculty Affairs Dual Career Coordinator, and
  • May be eligible for initial salary support from the Provost.

The Faculty Affairs Dual Career Coordinator provides advice on UGA’s dual career employment practices and helps the partners of current or prospective faculty connect with potential employers whose hiring needs are likely to match the candidate’s skills and expertise. Schools, colleges, and other units may provide their own or additional support for dual career couples.

When both members of a dual career couple are new to UGA

Timely notification of dual career needs maximizes UGA’s ability to provide effective support.

  • If one member of a couple has applied for a job at UGA, we encourage their partner to request job placement support (see below) when the applicant in the couple is invited for a final-round interview, or shortly thereafter.
  • If the applicant is not yet a finalist for a position at UGA, we will not disclose the partner’s request for dual career services to the applicant’s hiring unit without permission.

To request job placement support from the Faculty Affairs Dual Career Coordinator, please complete this form. After receiving your request, we will meet with you to ensure that we understand your interests and skills well, and we will outline next steps in support of your job search.

Alternatively, if you would like general information about UGA’s Faculty Affairs’ dual career services, but are not yet seeking job placement support, please email Elizabeth Weeks [email protected] to set up a meeting or to ask a question.

UGA’s dual career services are intended to complement a candidate’s own efforts. UGA does not guarantee job placement for dual career couples.

For UGA Administrators

To request financial support from the Provost’s Office for a dual career hire, please review Academic Affairs Policy and follow the instructions at the end of policy to submit the application form.

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