Technical Process Following Provost/President Approval for Major Faculty Administrative Appointments

Technical Process following Provost/President Approval for Major Faculty Administrative Appointments

Search (New Hires or Current Faculty)

  1. Position > Posting > Hiring proposal in UGAJobs
  2. Working title of the position should reflect the administrative title and faculty rank (*Posting title can be more specific)
  3. Compensation for Hire:
    1. UGAJobs Hiring Proposal would bring in the employee’s base salary
    2. OneUSG HCM Connect MSS Supplemental Pay Request would bring in the supplemental portion of the salary
    3. Summer Pay Process would bring relevant summer pay
  4. Required Supporting Documents to be uploaded to HP
    1. A checklist noting supporting documents for faculty hires can be found here: UGAJobs Faculty Hiring Proposal/Employment Action Document Checklist (updated 03/15/2021)

No Search (Administrative Add-on Appointment for Current Faculty)[1]

  1. Position Evaluation in UGAJobs
  2. Working title of the position should reflect the administrative title and faculty rank (e.g. Professor and Department Head; Director and Associate Professor; Dean and Professor, etc.)
  3. Compensation:
    1. OneUSG HCM Connect MSS AdHoc Change Request would bring any changes to base annual salary pay
    2. OnesUSG HCM Connect MSS Supplemental Pay Request would bring the supplemental portion of salary
    3. Summer Pay Process would bring relevant summer pay
  4. Required Supporting Documents for Administrative Add-on Appointment to be uploaded to Eval
    1. A checklist noting supporting documents for Add-on of Administrative titles can be found here: UGAJobs Faculty Hiring Proposal/Employment Action Document Checklist (updated 03/15/2021)

Stepping down from Admin Role

  1. Position Evaluation in UGAJobs
    1. Justification should include which admin role the from which the faculty member is stepping down.
    2. Update position fields as appropriate. (e.g. Classification Title/Code, Working Title, Effective Date).

  2. Compensation: 
    1. OnesUSG HCM Connect MSS Supplemental Pay Request to remove supplemental pay. 

For information regarding critical hire approval, please see:

[1]  The unit should obtain an EOO search waiver for the appointment and Provost approval for an administrative add-on appointment prior to submission of the position evaluation request in UGAJobs.

For EOO information for Administrative and Faculty Searches/Appointments, please see: