The Office of Faculty Affairs offers many cohort programs to enrich participant experience, encourage peer mentoring, and foster community and collaboration. Cohort programs often generate a more dynamic experience with deeper learning, shared goals, and common experiences.

Advanced Leader Program

The Advanced Leader Program provides a select cohort of seasoned academic leaders the opportunity to learn from senior administrators, experts in leadership development, and peers.

Aspire Fellows

In the Aspire Fellows cohort program, mid-career and senior faculty members will build upon their existing successes and strengths to create and complete a signature project that will extend their professional impact.

Creating a Sustainable Writing Practice

The Creating a Sustainable Writing Practice cohort program will take your writing skills and habits to the next level.

Emerging Leader Program

The Emerging Leader Program celebrates the signal academic career achievement of promotion to the rank of professor and provides newly promoted professors an opportunity to consider the next phase of success and career progression.

Faculty Interest Groups

Faculty Interest Groups are faculty-led, informal meetings or events about a topic related to your work, your professional development, or some personal interest.

Faculty Learning Communities

These structured communities of practice include the key goals of building community, engaging in scholarly (evidenced-based) inquiry, and working toward a shared goal.

Intensive Professional Development

Intensive professional development opportunities are sustained, cohort-based programs designed to strengthen faculty capacity and success in support of one’s career trajectory.


The Office of Faculty Affairs provides professional development related to faculty peer mentoring.

New Leader Program

The New Leader Program, previously New Department Head Training, introduces newly-appointed unit administrators to UGA policies, offices, and systems.

Promotion and Tenure Workshops

The Office of Faculty Affairs provides workshops on promotion and tenure.

SEC Academic Leadership Program

The University of Georgia’s SEC Academic Leadership Development Program Fellowship allows faculty to gain valuable knowledge and experience in academic leadership.

UGA Accelerate

UGA Accelerate, founded in 2022, is a mentoring committee program aimed at providing early outreach and monthly meetings to select early career faculty.

Women's Leadership Fellows Program

The University of Georgia established the Women’s Leadership Fellows Program in 2015 to provide a selected group of current faculty and administrators with dedicated time to develop and hone leadership skills and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities confronting research universities.

Further Information

If you have questions or want to receive the OFA Faculty and Leadership Development newsletter, please email the Office of Faculty Affairs at [email protected].

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