Career Advancement
The Office of Faculty Affairs offers a range of workshops related to success and career progression, particularly related to promotion and tenure.
Community Building
The Office of Faculty Affairs amplifies community building across its programming by bringing together faculty and academic leaders in face-to-face and virtual gatherings.
Faculty Writing Retreat
The Faculty Writing Retreat is designed to provide a full day of writing in community.
Intensive Professional Development
Intensive professional development opportunities are sustained, cohort-based programs designed to strengthen faculty capacity and success in support of one’s career trajectory (e.g., teaching, administration, research, service / outreach, student success, or other aspects of the faculty role).
The Office of Faculty Affairs provides professional development related to faculty peer mentoring.
Scholarly Productivity
Scholarly productivity is grounded, in part, in strong research skills and writing habits.
Further Information
If you have questions or want to receive the OFA Faculty and Leadership Development newsletter, please email the Office of Faculty Affairs at [email protected].