Foreign Faculty Appointment Procedures

Per UGA Policy 03.05.001, Documenting Credentials of Faculty Teaching UGA Courses in UGA Study Abroad Programs, the following documents must be submitted to the Office of Faculty Affairs, 225 New College, Campus Mail for review and approval prior to a foreign faculty member teaching a study abroad (REGT) course:

1. Appointment Form: Recommendation for Study Abroad Foreign Faculty Appointment Form with original faculty program director signature.

2. Electronic CV: Current electronic CV in pdf or word format emailed to [email protected].

3. Highest Degree Documentation: Original documentation for highest degree earned by this foreign faculty member using one of the following credentialing methods:

Preferred Degree Credentialing Method

1a) If highest degree from foreign institution:

    1. Official transcript
    2. Notarized translation if transcript is not in English
    3. Certification of U.S. Degree Equivalency, preferably from a recognized credentialing agency (see document). U.S. degree equivalency will also be accepted from a
      UGA faculty member, preferably an academic dean or department head, who is an expert in the candidate’s academic discipline using the below letter template and addressed to the Provost c/o Office of Faculty Affairs:
      U.S. Degree Equivalency letter template


1b) If highest degree from a U.S. institution:

    1. Official transcript

Alternative Degree Credentialing Method

Note: Use of this credentialing method requires prior approval of Office of Global Engagement. Please contact Yana Cornish, Director of Education Abroad, at [email protected] or 706-542-2900, with any questions regarding alternative degree credentialing methods.

2a) Agreement Between UGA and Foreign Institution

Institutional agreement between UGA and a partner institution in the host country providing instructors for a UGA Study Abroad program which stipulates that the partner institution will review and select instructors for UGA following UGA’s hiring criteria. AND Written attestation by the faculty director of the UGA Study Abroad Program or the head of UGA department offering courses in that program that the foreign faculty member’s credentials are valid and meet UGA’s standards using the below letter template and addressed to the Provost c/o Office of Faculty Affairs: Director attestation of foreign faculty credentials template


2b) Contractual Relationship Between UGA and Foreign Expert

Contractual relationship between the particular UGA Study Abroad Program and a person or entity in the host-country having knowledge and experience relevant to the hiring of faculty members for higher educational instruction. AND Written attestation by the faculty director of the UGA Study Abroad Program or the head of UGA department offering courses in that program that the foreign faculty member’s credentials are valid and meet UGA’s standards using the below letter template and addressed to the Provost c/o Office of Faculty Affairs: Director attestation of foreign faculty credentials template

Foreign Faculty Instructor of Record Procedures

Per UGA Policy 03.05.002, Instructor of Record, academic units must identify all instructors of record for all course sections including sections taught for credit and non-credit. The instructor of record is defined as the person(s) responsible for conducting the day-to-day classroom / instructional activities and/or the assignment of grades. Instructors of Record must hold appropriate UGA faculty appointment and credentials as outlined below

For study abroad sections taught by foreign faculty, the foreign faculty member conducting the day-to-day classroom activities must be listed as the instructor of record in the UGA Course Offerings Database and assigned 90% instructional responsibility. The local UGA faculty member serving as program coordinator who provides primary oversight of all local matters concerning the course sections will be assigned 10% instructional responsibility. Instructors of record for all study abroad courses will be reviewed for accuracy each semester by the Director of Study Abroad.


Office of Faculty Affairs
225 New College
Athens, Georgia 30602

Office of Global Engagement
1324 South Lumpkin Street
Athens, GA 30602
Phone 001-706-542-2900

* UGA Policy 03.05.001, Documenting Credentials of Faculty Teaching UGA Courses in UGA Study Abroad Programs
* UGA Policy 03.05.002, Instructor of Record

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