The Office of Faculty Affairs provides workshops, webinars and events for faculty across their careers. Our suite of programs is related to career development, mentoring, scholarly productivity, and time management.

For more information, please email the Faculty and Leadership Development unit of the Office of Faculty Affairs at [email protected].

Promotion and Tenure Workshops Advice from Successful Faculty

Workshops and Events

Inspiring Minds: Engaging with the Morehead Honors College – 10/16/2024, 9:00 - 10:30 AM

Via Zoom

Meg Amstutz, Dean of the Jere W. Morehead Honors College; James Warnock, Associate Dean; Jessica Hunt, Assistant Dean and Director of Scholarships; Maria de Rocher, Assistant Dean and Director of Student Engagement; and Jayson Payton, Recruitment and Enrollment Coordinator

In this workshop, you will learn more about the Morehead Honors College’s resources and opportunities available to UGA faculty. If you are interested in mentoring, advising, or teaching outstanding undergraduate students, the Honors College provides the tools and resources to bring UGA’s brightest minds together.

Register via PEP

Promotion & Tenure Procedures Workshop – 10/22/2024, 10:00 AM - Noon

Elizabeth Weeks, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs

This workshop will provide tips for navigating the Guidelines for Appointment and Promotion & Tenure. It will include an overview of important time-points prior to and during the application process. Academic (tenure-track / tenured) and clinical rank faculty, promotion and tenure unit heads, and support staff who would like to better understand promotion and tenure procedures for these faculty ranks are encouraged to attend.

Register via PEP

Effective Peer Mentoring for Faculty – 11/04/2024, 1:00 - 2:30 PM

Via Zoom

Mary Carney, Director of Programming for Faculty Affairs

This workshop will focus on faculty-to-faculty mentoring. Attendees will explore best practices in building a mentoring relationship, aligning expectations, identifying areas for discussion, and managing logistics. This session is open to all faculty.

Register via PEP

Faculty Searches and Hiring – 11/8/2024, 10:00 - 11:00 AM

Carly Surratt, Director of Faculty Affairs Operations

This workshop will provide an overview of the multi-step processes for hiring new faculty. You will learn about external search and direct appointment processes, as well as garner tips and tricks for writing faculty search advertisements. All faculty and staff involved in the faculty search process are encouraged to attend.

Register via PEP

Promotion & Tenure Procedures Workshop – 11/19/2024, 9:30 - 11:30 AM

Elizabeth Weeks, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs

This workshop will provide tips for navigating the Guidelines for Appointment and Promotion & Tenure. It will include an overview of important time-points prior to and during the application process. Academic (tenure-track / tenured) and clinical rank faculty, promotion and tenure unit heads, and support staff who would like to better understand promotion and tenure procedures for these faculty ranks are encouraged to attend.

Register via PEP

Advice from Successful Faculty and Tips for Faculty Productivity Profiles – 1/9/2025, 10:00 AM - Noon

Elizabeth Weeks, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, Sunshine Jordan, UGA Elements and Business Intelligence Lead, and invited faculty panelists

This workshop will provide insights on preparing for the annual evaluations and feature a panel of faculty who have successfully been promoted. They will also discuss their use of Elements, the web-based system by which UGA faculty collect and report their work in research, scholarship, creative works, and other professional activities. Elements plays a crucial role in the annual performance evaluation process. You’ll learn how to access and manage your user profile in UGA Elements.

Register via PEP

Promotion & Tenure Dossier Preparation Workshop – 1/13/2025, 1:00 - 3:00 PM

Elizabeth Weeks, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs

This workshop will provide instructions on the assembly of promotion and tenure dossiers and tips for avoiding problems that weaken dossiers. Department heads, staff who assemble dossiers, and tenure track and clinical faculty who are preparing dossiers for full review in the fall are encouraged to attend.

Register via PEP

Purchasing, Travel, and Space Management – 1/16/2025, 3:00 - 4:30 PM

Via Zoom

Krista Coleman-Silvers, Assistant Vice President, Space Planning & Management; Bob Currey, Chief Procurement Officer; Jennifer Dunlap, Director, Accounts Payable and Travel; Andre Simmons, Associate Director, Accounts Payable and Travel

This interactive workshop for all faculty will cover the following topics:

  1. Space Planning & Management: Attendees will learn about Space Assignment/Allocation and Standards at UGA with an introduction to processes and procedures for various types of facilities projects.
  2. Procurement: Attendees will learn how to procure goods and services at UGA, outlining the “Procurement Basics” to consider prior to making a purchase along with types of procurements, methods of procurement, and procurement tools available for your use.
  3. Travel: Faculty will get oriented to the statewide travel regulations that govern travel for the University, including direct billing agreements in place that limit the amount of out-of-pocket expenses travelers must incur. As processes and policies undergo updates periodically, this workshop is valuable for all faculty.

Register via PEP

Planning and Time Management for Academic Life – 1/29/2025, 9:00 - 11:00 AM

Via Zoom

Mary Carney, Director of Programming for the Office of Faculty Affairs

This workshop will offer insights on planning for long-term success at UGA through methods to improve research productivity and enhance work-life balance. You will have an opportunity to strategize your highest priorities, consider how these fit into long-term professional goals, and plan specific steps to achieve these at UGA.

Register via PEP

Lecturer Appointment and Promotion Guidelines Workshop – 2/5/2025, 10:00 AM - Noon

Elizabeth Weeks, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs

This workshop will provide tips for navigating the revised promotion guidelines for lecturers and will include an overview of the new Principal Lecturer rank, third-year review and preliminary consideration, promotion and reappointment application process, and timeline. Lecturers and Senior Lecturers, promotion unit heads, and support staff who would like to better understand lecturer appointment and promotion procedures are encouraged to attend. The workshop will be facilitated by Elizabeth Weeks, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs.

Register via PEP

Promotion & Tenure Dossier Preparation Workshop – 2/11/2025, 1:00 - 3:00 PM

Elizabeth Weeks, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs

This workshop will provide instructions on the assembly of promotion and tenure dossiers and tips for avoiding problems that weaken dossiers. Department heads, staff who assemble dossiers, and tenure track and clinical faculty who are preparing dossiers for full review in the fall are encouraged to attend.

Register via PEP

Mentoring Students – 2/17/2025, 1:00 - 2:30 PM

Via Zoom

Janette Hill, Ph.D., Department of Workforce Education and Instructional Technology

Learn the fundamentals of effective mentoring relationships and appropriate boundaries. Acquire a template for mentoring contracts, learn steps to align mentor-mentee expectations, and boost skills in your face-to-face and online mentoring.

Register via PEP

Academic Professional Promotion Guidelines Workshop – 3/18/2025, 9:00 - 11:00 AM

Elizabeth Weeks, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs

This workshop will provide tips for navigating the promotion guidelines for academic professionals and will include an overview of the application process, dossier, and timeline. Academic professionals of all ranks, promotion unit heads, and support staff who would like to better understand academic professional promotion procedures are encouraged to attend. The workshop will include panelists knowledgeable about Academic Professional promotion processes.

Register via PEP

Maintaining Effective Communication in Faculty Mentoring – 3/25/2025, 9:00 - 10:30 AM

Via Zoom

Mary Carney, Director of Programming for Faculty Affairs

This session offers faculty an opportunity to hone their communication skills in the context of mentoring in such areas as active listening, effective feedback, and appropriate boundaries.

Register via PEP

Engaging with the UGA School of Medicine and Precision One Health – 3/26/2025, 10:00 - 11:30 AM

Via Zoom

Shelley Nuss, Dean of the School of Medicine; Jon P. Mochel, Director, Precision One Health Initiative

Join this interactive session to learn about the UGA School of Medicine (SOM) and Precision One Health (POH). The SOM will help address a significant shortage of medical professionals, as well as enhance human health and disease research already taking place across our university. POH is committed to studying the intricate connections among genetics, the environment, and lifestyle factors, and their effects on disease prevention and treatment. With a mission centered on personalized medicine, POH’s focus includes risk assessment, exploration of significant biological mutations, vaccine and drug development, and the selection of customized therapies based on molecular profiling. Through this workshop, you will learn more about the critical missions of SOM and POH, as well as ways to connect with these units.

Registration will open in January

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