Faculty Leave of Absence Requests

Faculty Leave Policies: UGA Academic Affairs Policy - Leave

Faculty Educational and Professional Leave Requests

Faculty may request extended leave to promote their scholarly work and/or encourage their professional development.  To initiate such a request, the following documents must be submitted to the Office of Faculty Affairs, 225 New College, via email to facultyaffairs@uga.edu for review and approval:

Form A To be completed by requesting faculty member and unit head 

Form BTo be completed by the faculty member’s unit head

  1. Completed Faculty Leave of Absence Request Forms A & B with all signatures
  2. Faculty Member’s Written Request
  3. Faculty Member’s Current CV
  4. Supporting documentation (as applicable such as inter-institutional contract, agreement letter from agency/institution, notification letter for award of fellowship)

Deadlines: Any request for a leave of absence beginning fall semester should be submitted to the Office of Faculty Affairs no later than March 1. Any request for a leave of absence beginning spring semester should be submitted to the Office of Faculty Affairs no later than August 1.

Regents Innovator Leave of Absence

Consistent with the University System of Georgia (USG) Board of Regents (BOR) Policy, full-time tenured faculty may apply leave of absence as a Regents' Innovator to allow time away from their faculty duties to focus on beginning or growing companies that commercialize a faculty member's research.

For additional information, including the application process, please see Academic Affairs Policy - Regents' Innovator Leave of Absence.

OFA checklist for requesting Regent's Innovator Leave of Absence.

Other Types of Leave

In addition to leaves of absence for educational and professional purposes, faculty leaves may be justified for a variety of reasons, including military service, family medical leave, sick leave, jury duty, and voting. See Human Resources policies and procedures for information on other types of extended leave:

Integration of faculty work with family and medical needs:

When it is appropriate, Faculty Affairs encourages the use of intermittent Family Medical Leave (FMLA) to support the integration of faculty work with family and medical needs. Units that do not have a policy regarding how to apply FMLA to qualifying events including birth or adoption of a child, serious health conditions, or care of a family member with a serious health condition, are encouraged to refer to policies in the Franklin College and SPIA.

For more information, please contact:

Office of Faculty Affairs
225 New College
Athens, Georgia 30602